
The Millionaire’s Auction is a subsidiary of Beverly Hills Diamonds, LLC, with offices in Santa Barbara, CA. and Honolulu, HI. Already in the luxury and high-luxury markets, we have created The Millionaire’s Auction to make the global high cost product market accessible at a discount. Founded by J.R. Palmer in 2018, J.R. has owned multiple companies spanning 35 years.


Silent Partners:

Buy-in of

50K – 2% of Net earnings over 1 year

150K – 3% of Net earnings over 2 years

250K – 4% of Net earnings over 3 years

500K – 5% of Net earnings over 4 years

1M – 6% of Net earnings over 5 years

5M – 10% of Net earnings over 6 years

25M – 20% of Net earnings over 7 years

*Estimated projected ANNUAL earnings are 2.5-5M and growing year over year.


If you are interested in being a part of our profitability please click the contact link!

All investments involve risk! Please use your chosen professional to advise you before entering any business venture.

Projections and forward looking statements are not reliable. Actual results and performance will vary.